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English Workd -- Section 001

when it comes to

“当提到” 这个片语在英语中常用于引出某个话题或问题,表示“涉及到”、“说到”、“提及”的意思。它是一个非常常见的表达方式,可以用来引出任意话题,讨论或解决问题,是英语口语和书面语中非常重要的一个表达方式。

It is worth noting

值得注意。 这是一个非常常见的表达方式,通常用来引起别人的注意力,强调一个观点或提醒某些重要的信息或细节。使用这个表达方式可以使你的观点更加明显和有说服力。

coincide with


“coincides with”的意思是指两个或多个事件、行为或情况在同一时间发生或出现。例如,“My birthday coincides with Christmas day”就是在表达“我的生日和圣诞节在同一天”这一意思。在使用“coincides with”时要注意上下文语境,确保能够清晰地表达出所要表达的含义。

spread through

在计算机科学领域,“spreads through” 意味着某种技术、思想或现象正在迅速传播和普及。以下是一些可能的应用场景和例句:

  1. 在信息安全领域,病毒或恶意软件往往会通过计算机网络快速传播(spread through)受感染的计算机和设备。

  2. 在社交媒体和互联网领域,流行词汇、趋势话题或互联网文化现象通常会通过社交媒体平台或互联网论坛广泛传播(spread through)。

  3. 在软件开发和部署过程中,新技术、工具或框架开始被开发团队广泛采用并传播(spread through)整个组织。

  4. 在人工智能和机器学习领域,新的算法、模型或深度学习架构可能会开始在学术界和工业界中迅速传播(spread through)。

因此,“spreads through” 的应用范围非常广泛,可以用于描述各种不同类型的传播现象。






“Proposition” (提案)是指一个想法或建议,通常是针对某个问题或情况提出的。在商业或政治上,提出一个好的提案可能会带来巨大的收益或成就。因此,能够提出清晰、准确、可行、富有创意的提案能力是一项非常重要的技能。

at most

“at most” in Chinese (Simplified) can be translated as “最多” (zuìduō). This phrase means a maximum amount or limit that cannot be exceeded. It implies that the amount or quantity being discussed cannot go any higher than the specified number. For example, if someone says, “I can stay for 2 hours at most”, it means they won’t be able to stay any longer than 2 hours. In general, “at most” is a useful phrase for indicating a boundary or limit, and can be used in a variety of situations such as time, duration, quantity, or distance.

in conclusion


main consideration



“Superfluous” refers to something that is unnecessary and unneeded. In other words, it is excessive or surplus to requirements. It is commonly used to describe something that is extra or redundant and does not add any value to the situation or topic at hand. In my opinion, it is important to eliminate superfluous elements in our lives to simplify things and increase efficiency. By doing so, we can focus on what truly matters and make better use of our time and resources.


“naive” 在英语中通常被解释为“幼稚的,天真的,易受骗的”。它通常用来描述一个人缺乏经验或对世界的真实情况缺乏了解的状态。


“Analogous” in Chinese can be translated as “类似的” or “相似的”. It refers to things that are similar in function, structure, or design, but not necessarily the same in every aspect. Analogous ideas or situations can be used to illustrate or explain each other, making it easier for people to understand difficult concepts or make connections between different fields of knowledge.

as would be the case in C

“as would be the case in C” 表示在 C 语言中可能会出现的情况。我认为这句话的含义是在讨论一件事情时引入了 C 语言的情境并用此来比较或解释当前的情况。也许是在讨论一种语言特性或代码实现上的相似之处或差异。

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最后更新于 2023/05/14 23:59:38
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